Sunday, July 18, 2010

Term 3 update for Room 13

This term is full of big events with the major one for our class the tramp up Mount Robert on August 23 This will help reinforce some of the learning from our Landforms work in term two with the landscape formed by faulting, folding and then glaciers. It will help keep up the team work and spirit in the class and maintain our fitness focus through the winter months. Parent help is required. See separate notice for complete details.

Of course this term also sees many in our class involved in the school production in week three. Winter tournament is in week four. Reports head home in between those events while 3-way conferences are in week five. The term finishes with a number of students from Broadgreen heading down State Highway 6 for the Christchurch South exchange.

Our term three topic is Forces where we look at everything that pushes and pulls us and the world around us. Every Thursday afternoon those students in Whakatu House not in Future Problem Solvers will be working through a unit called Wolves Lair, where students use their creativity and problem solving to create new products along the lines of the television programme Dragons Den. We will also be covering pubertal change and life education in health.

Reading in term three will see students learning to self question before, during and after reading and then we will move into inferencing.

The maths focus is proportions and ratios so understanding fractions and decimals and then how to compare, add, subtract, multiply and divide them.

Our writing and presenting this term should suit many intermediate students as we look at writing arguments and debating.

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