Monday, April 19, 2010

Term 2

We have a lot to cover in our 11 week term with the overall unit, Our World. In this topic we will look at the local landscapes and how they came to exist, as well as a sub-topic on environmental studies.

Our writing focus is explanation writing to go along with our topic.

The unit will also see several physical excursions during the term. In week four, May 12, we will be walking along Nelson’s unique natural landform, the Boulder Bank, in week seven, June 2, we will be walking up the Barnicoat and later in the term (or early in term 3 – date to be confirmed) we will be tramping up Mount Robert.

With this big day trip in mind, improving students’ fitness is also a focus this term. On Wednesday’s between 10.40 and 12.10 Whakatu house will be rotating through three different fitness programmes – a walking group, a jogging group and circuits in the hall.

The numeracy part of the maths programme is underway this term with students remaining in room 13 to work together in groups of their own ability. We will be starting work on the key building blocks of addition and subtraction.

Our reading programme will see students reading a lot of explanation writing to help their writing. Our focus for comprehension strategies will be on synthesising, predicting and summarising.

A smaller health unit will look at keeping ourselves safe.

Student-led conferences

In week six parents will have the opportunity to see what your students have been up to this year, where they’re at and areas they’re looking to work on during our student led three-way conferences.